week 8

Updates from the week of May 18th

Objective for week 8

  • Connect batteries and charge circuit to the device
  • 3d Printing
  • Porting old app to a fresh app

  • Summary of what we did this week

    Connect batteries and charge circuit to the device

    We have connected our battery and battery charger circuit as shown in below.

    Then we combined everything and secured it with electrical tape

    3d Printing

    After making the circuit, we started to design the 3d model as shown below.

    Porting old app to a fresh app

    This week we worked on porting our old app to a fresh new app. We decided to start a new app to make major changes to the UI. Our old UI was a three level deep activity that must be navigated one level to the next with button presses. We have improved our UI to include tabs for different sections of our app. We have improved the app to navigate to different fragments of activity with a simple swipe. This was a cleaner and much more user friendly way to navigate through different screens.

    The biggest problem we ran into while porting to the newer app was to maintain bluetooth connection through each fragment activities (tabs) and also maintain bluetooth connection when the phone is asleep, multitasking other apps, and minimized. We have successfully solved these bluetooth issues and now in the process of porting the backend code, cleaning the code, and improving the style.

    For the backend portion of our app, we focused mainly on the consistency algorithm. We made some changes to make it more robust. We did this by using setters and getters in our dynamic time warp object and also improved the accuracy on this algorithm with some minor changes.

    Objectives for next week

    We will finalize our 3d printing and finish our mobile app and get ready for demo