Week 7
Updates from the week of May 11th
Objective for Week 7
Summary of what we did this week
Make a proto-board
This week, we started to make proto-boards. Our first attempt was to make it on the smallest proto-board we could get from local store. Since we have another set of circuit boards, we have decided to use this first proto-board as a testing board. The picture in below is the first protoboard we made.
We then observed that our components can be built in much smaller proto-board by looking at how much pins we are wasting on the first proto-board. We also figured out that our soldering and wiring could be done much better. So we decided to make another proto-board with much smaller one provided by our Professor. We also used much thinner wires for this time.
As you see the pictures, the new proto-board is only about two quarters big.
Finish consistency check (working on android)
The video below shows the testing sequences we took for our consistency check. Before we tested this, we have tested multiple cases and made sure our "Dynamic Time Warping" works properly too. We also implemented function on android to give user the consistency score in percentile.
Changes in Battery
After deeper researches in battery, we decided to use Li-on battery with its charger circuit and switch. Following components are the ones we bought in last week and expected to arrive on Tuesday of week 5/18. We considered the dimension of battery and charger carefully for our housing plan. Deeper analysis is expected to be done after we receive the batteries on Tuesday.
Objectives for next week
We are going to work on housing plan for our product. Before we design our 3d printing model, we first drew the whole proto-board with exact dimension in the unit of millimeters. We then designed the sub parts of housing such as the cylinder columns for pushing buttons and spaces for strap on the sides. We will also make our UI better and keep implmenting simple function in software. We have all the working data in matlab and we are trying to convert things to be able to run in android