Week 6

Updates from the week of May 4th

Objective for Week 6

  • Get a portable battery pack
  • Implement some features with using data set
  • Work on improving data set (physics & math)

  • Summary of what we did this week

    Battery pack

    This week, we ordered a battery pack that can be used to power our afduino. We have chosen carefully with the consideration of maximum output voltage and current it supports, the capacity (mAH) and the size.

    Implementing features - goodshot/badshoot count feedback

    We also started making some features on the android App. Since we managed to have our data sent and received successfully from sensor to the phone , we then started to use those data sets to implement some features. First feature we made was to show the statistic of goodshot/badshot. What it does is, it keeps counting the goodshot or badshoot signal from the buttons and show the total shots made with the ratio of goodshot to the total shots. With this feature, now we can have our first feedback application working from our device.

    After making our goodshot feedback working, we then jumped to work on consistency check. We are still in the progress and we expect that our consistency check gives the user how consistent their first data set was compared to second data set with the percentile representation.

    Plotting data on Android App

    We also worked on plotting our data set onto the phone. We already have our plots ready in matlab but we had never approached to plot on the phone. For now, we will have our data set plotted on 2-D plane (xy (front view), yz (side view)) after finish taking the data by stop button. Then we are going to figure out plotting in 3-d plane for the trajectory application.

    Working on UI

    We also worked on UI of our App. We were discussing about what features can be made throughout the quarter and tried to optimize our UI to best-fit our applications. We are also going to put some visual elements such as background image and animation. But for now, we are mainly focused on the orientation of menu, button, and features on the screen.

    Working on improving our data set

    For hardware side, we are still working on improving our data set with math and physics analysis. We have the Kalman filter working. We are still figuring out the way to generate our data set optimized for swing trajectory graph.

    Objectives for next week

    We will try to switch to hardware side and start thinking about our PCB layout plan too.